Went to Joann's today and got the pull through tool for the elastic. They had scissors on sale too, sometimes when I am doing a lot of cutting the ghinger ones start hurting my hands. So I bought a pair of singers, that have a lot of padding on both sides along with both sides being very big holes, instead of a tiny odd shaped hole for the thumb that usually rubs my thumb raw and hurts it. I am not sure how good singer scissors are but I'm really liking them for the price I got them at. (about 1/10 of the price I paid for my ghingers!).
As we were on our way to the Feed and Seed store got a text that my brother and his wife made it into town and they were eating at Nuway. So we went there to meet them. WOW it was crowded! But, we had a good meal and a fun time.
After that we went to the Feed and Seed store bought more straw but they were out of the big tomato cages I wanted. So next I went to Ace, they were out of the size of tomato cages I wanted too but still at least had the design I want. I am going to check Walmart next though, I forgot to do that tonight though. I also looked at their canning supplies but wasn't too impressed. Sadly I guess I will have to buy from Walmart or Krogers which I hate not giving my money to the little guy. But, don't seem to have a choice this time.
Came home and finished up the buttery yellow gauze skirt! YEAH, it's done! I went to start on my second skirt but then remembered that my step dad can get a discount at Joann's this weekend with his ID so called them up and asked if they wanted to take me back and they said yes. So we went there again! They bought a bunch of stuff that was 70 percent off plus his 20 percent off. Then I just bought some thread-50 percent off plus his 20 percent off, and a piece of fabric to make myself a nursing dress-60 percent off then his extra 20 percent off that. So was pretty happy with all that.
Went to Braum's for a ice cream cone but they were out of the maple walnut that I was so much in love with! I ended up with the Homestyle Strawberry instead it was extremely yummy as well, but the maple walnut is still my favorite I think.
Then we went to Walmart on the search for my angel hair smart taste pasta, again no such fortune. *sigh* I forgot to look for a tomato cage there though.
Came home again and tried to start cutting out my quilters cotton skirt. Only to find that the pattern has a mistake in the amount needed. I thought the first skirt was my mistake for mistakenly buying 43 inch fabric instead of 45 inch but this time it didn't fit on the 45 inch either! So I finally got out the tape measure and measured each pattern piece and while the pattern said you only needed 1 2/3 yard of fabric, when I calculated each of the pattern pieces you need 1 yard and 30 inches just in pattern pieces alone, not to mention shrinkage allowance, and any space what so ever between pattern pieces, and of course the small amount of fraying that happens when you wash your fabric. So might as well by 2 yards. I made notation of it in pen on my pattern. And will remember that from now on. But, for now I need to go back to the store and by another 17 inches of the cotton to finish my skirt! UHG! Will have to wait till next week to budget that in. *sigh* I also forgot and need to buy thread for my dress then too. Grr. It was 50 plus 20 percent off today wish I had remembered today!
I guess next I will just start on my nursing night gowns which I really need to hurry and do, especially while Amber is still here to help me! I'll try to at least trace the night gown pattern tomorrow and cut it out. Then I will cut out the actual fabric on Monday and hopefully start sewing by Tuesday!

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