Saturday and Sunday we had a wonderful circuit assembly, brought out so many timely talks in view of the presidents announcement last night. We were introduced to both our new Circuit Overseer, and District Overseer and their wives. The interview with the DO and his wife was most interesting indeed. Very good and greatly encouraging coming into the truth story from his wife. The DO himself was raised in the truth however. The girls were wonderful for the most part. On Saturday we had a lovely picnic lunch outside by the river, then I took a nap in the sun and sunburned my face. haha There was a young man and woman out there trying to learn some kind of skills of some sort (exercise wise), and taking pictures. Belle decided to pose for them! They thought she was so cute. Reminded me of myself at her age in California, and I modeled for a day, for a real modeling photographer, while my cousins were on a modeling job. I still have photos of that day. Sunday was way too cold to go outside so we sat in our seats for lunch. I was able to see so many friends I hadn't seen in years. I can't wait to have a few over for dinner soon. I was hoping to see Tammy Jenkins and her new baby, but never did seem to find her. I seen her sisters, dad, uncle, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, every one but her! haha Her father gave two talks during the assembly both really good. But, of course Tim has always been a good speaker. I was quite surprised to see her mothers parents were still alive and there. I didn't see her dad's mother though.......I'm not sure if she is still alive or not.
Today I was wiped out from the assembly so got very little done. I was going to plant the plants that dad bought, but when I went out to look for them, I seen he had them already planted. So I watered my own garden. One of my tomato plants is full of blooms, so I will be having maters soon! The strawberries were half dead though from lack of water, I hope they can pull through and come out of that.
The Barn cat had kittens, she has them hidden in a canoe in the garage. They are brand new, still have their little eyes closed, but are oh so cute. I think I want a orange one, but Lela wants a black one with gray spots she said she seen. I guess I will wait till they get bigger and see which one I want. If the black one she wants has gray feet, we may get it and name it Bootsy, if it's just black with gray spots, maybe we could name it Buttons. If I keep a orange one, I am not sure what we will name it, it's a toss up between Pumpkin, and Puddin'.
I got one thing done today, I moved the book case from the east wall to the west wall. Krys, Bennet and Lela helped me. Boy that book case is still HEAVY even empty! But, at least it's done. Thankfully I was able to find my guest book while rearranging all the books for the move. That will come in handy when I have friends over now, I can keep a record of who and when we have come to visit us. Now to get my china cabinet in here and my love seat. And to get those washing machines and dryer out of my laundry room!
I still need to plant some of my own veggies but I have meeting tomorrow, and don't want to get dirt all under my fingernails, so I will wait till Wednesday. I want to get some invitations also though to use to invite people over, so I think we will leave for meeting early tomorrow so I can go look for invitations before meeting, so I don't have to make a special trip to town just for that.

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