Belle did the cutest thing today, she's been watching me give Lela zerberts I guess, so when I gave her a kiss this morning she leaned over and tried to give me a zerbert on my cheek. I laughed so much! She's so sweet and so cute!
Poor Lela was sick most the day though, whiny and said her tummy hurt. She didn't eat much today. However, she's turning into such a big girl. She has been helping me put away her clothes after they are washed and folded, and just today put away the towels by herself after I folded them. She's been helping me put Belle's bibs in Belle's bib drawer for a while. So she's really growing up! I'm glad she's a good helper!
I bought a coffee pot since mine is still in the Pod, and the Pod is still not here. And I bought Dunkin Donuts Coffee, Sam's now sells it. Mmmm it was good. I must say I do miss the Dunkin Donuts in NY. But, surprisingly enough the coffee they sell at Sam's taste just like the coffee they sell in their stores, so that was a plus. I've been experimenting with flavored coffee creamers, and so far am loving the International Delights Chai and Almond Joy! I want to try the Caramel Machiato next. I mainly use almond milk for "creamer" and just a little of the flavored creamer for some sweetness and flavor. I just wish they would make more sugar free flavors, their skinny flavors aren't that much less calories.

I got a new post card from Needle Nook Fabrics, there's a super bowl party at the shop coming up. I may try to go. I need to get more sewing done. I hope they get a new class schedule out soon, I can't wait to take more classes!
We also received a thank you card from Nick and Megan for their wedding gift. Megan wrote such a sweet note about the girls in it. I am so happy for them. I love my little brother Nick, and it's always nice to gain another sister! Megan's super sweet, and fits in our family so nicely. It makes me happy that my little brother has found such a nice wife.

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