We finally made it to Kansas a couple weeks ago. It was a hairied and exhausting last few days in NYC, but such a sweet relief to make it to Kansas. We had a really nice drive here as well. We stopped near Hershey, PA the first night after a exhausting day finishing packing and cleaning the last bits of the apartment.
We stayed at Wyndham hotel. It was really nice. Had a great buffet breakfast, and the room was really nice. Some one left us their beer in the fridge. haha We arrived so late all that was open was Wendy's. We went through the drive thru, and all the staff was outside, they ran back inside to take our order. Then said, "Be careful there's a skunk by the trash cans". We laughed so much! Then when we got to the window they went on and on about our cat willow, that had just been shaved and "fixed".
Day two, we went to Dayton, OH we stayed at Hawthorn Suites. I loved the room, it was done in curry yellows and navy blues, with hints of deep red, and cherry wood. Beautiful. Another wonderful breakfast. For lunch we stopped at Hoss's. We had passed it many times over the years but never ate there. Boy were we missing out! It was how Golden Corral used to be before they went buffet. Where you order your main entree, and sides, but can add the salad bar. It was super affordable. The staff were very sweet. And the food was awesome! The potato soup on the salad bar was hard to stop indulging in! Finally rolled ourselves out, and were full till about 11 pm! haha When we stopped at Waffle house for dinner.
Day three, we were making quick time to St. Louie! We had had our great breakfast at Hawthorn, I can't remember where we stopped for lunch that day, but I know the "hot" sign was on at Krispy Kreme so we went in and had one. When we got to Drury Inn it included every thing! We had a potato bar, nacho bar, frank bar, salad bar, and even a drink bar. So we had a good meal, and popcorn and soda pop was available till 10 pm! A online friend Gail and her daughter Abigail came to see us at the hotel and was greeted by the manager that had them get popcorn and soda pop before coming up to visit us! How sweet. haha They came bearing gifts, diapers for Belle, a book for Lela, and a nice fuzzy blanket for Vince and I. Abigail was able to wear Lela out by playing with her. They had a lot of fun. She was so sweet and kind with Lela.
Day four started out with another amazing breakfast from our hotel. And then the final stretch to Kansas! We splurged and stopped at Joe's Crab Shack for lunch. And hurried to Wichita. We made it to Wichita by 8 pm. My sister Amber and brother Josh came home from college (Topeka and Manhattan) to help us unpack. My mom and step dad brought Casey and Hunter to help too. Eldon, Casey, Hunter, and my siblings had the trailer unpacked with in less then 2 hours. Then we went out to eat with mom, Eldon, Casey and Hunter to Village Inn. They were more then excited to finally see us again.
Since then we've just worked on settling in, getting unpacked. Still have several boxes to go, and the pod has yet to be shipped! But, it's lovely here and we're doing great.
Working on getting Lela and flower girl dress, for my brother Nick's wedding. His fiance, Megan was up visiting last weekend and we had a good time with her. One night we went to a corn maze. Belle was confused as to why we decided to go get lost in a corn field at night. But, all had a good time!
I located the LLL meeting closet to me and went to the my first meeting here. It was a good one. There is 3 others really close, and they encouraged me to try them out too. But, I like the convenience of this one and the women were pretty nice too. One owns a store near by that sells local, and "green" things for babies. I'm anxious to go to her store. She was not pushy about it, in fact said very little about it. Only brought it up when we were discussing cloth diapers and where to buy them locally and when some one said no one had them locally, then and only then did she speak up and say she had just opened her boutique and sold them.
Hancocks had a sale on patterns for 99 cents each. I got a pattern for a awesome jacket that will go exactly with the dress I want made for the wedding! I ran the fabric I had in my mind by Amber when I found it at Hancock's and she agreed it would go perfect with the wedding! So yeah! Plus I was pleasantly surprised in feeling of it, it was more stretchy then I had remembered. So that will be a huge plus! haha
All in all, I'm glad to be back on the Prairie once again! And not just on the prairie in my mind's eye!

Heather, glad you made it safe and sound. Now all you need is your POD, hope that makes it to you in one piece.
We miss you over at Sparts HE, which by the way has you listed as an inactive leader. Please post
I'm so happy you finally made it back 'home' and know everything will keep looking up for your family! What a relief! =) Is Vince finding work yet?
He's got a interview next week with the railroad, being a conductor, start out pay is excellent! Pray he gets it! It is in a wonderful small town that has very cheap cost of living, and homes. And be a dream job for him. He has 11 years rail road experience so we are hoping that helps! Jewels said her brother in law has worked for that company for decades, so hopefully it's a stable job too!
oh another great thing about the town, my step grandfather and his children already live there. And so do a few people I know from online.....last I knew it was a brother who was providing the only local ISP there! So that could be good. lol I had originally looked there from the beginning cause of my step grandfather AND it is literally the cheapest city in Kansas for a home. But, I thought the town didn't have jobs. So I stopped looking at homes there! Who knew it would have Vince's "dream" job. And as my mom says, how many people really dream of working for the rail road, she says she's never met any one. lol And I haven't either. So...I guess for the average person the town probably doesn't have much work....but not for my Vince! lol haha So that could be good for us in getting a good deal on a home there too!
Hope Vince gets/got the job. Glad to hear your travels went well. Hope you can settle in and enjoy things now. Sending much love, ASTA
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