As usual it's been busy around here.
I was able to get some new dress shoes at Macy's. I haven't bought new dress shoes in about 4 years. So it was nice to get a new pair. They are a cute red leather mary jane, from Naturalizer. Even Vince likes them. So that was nice.
I finally found a lipstick color I really like on myself too. I usually do not wear make up. But recently have found I would like to start wearing lipstick. So I finally just last week found a shade I really really like. I think I'm really liking revlon. I also like the new lip liners that you don't have to sharpen. Mine never did sharpen correctly so these are nice. I wish they would make some transfer pencils like that for iron on embroidery patterns! Cause I never can get those pencils sharpened correctly either.
I'm still working on my step grandma's towels. Taking much longer then I have hoped. I've just been so busy. So I don't even have one done yet. But, getting close. I hope to get done with the other shortly.
I'm thinking we really need some more towels as well. So after I am done with this other pillow case swap I joined, I'm going to make us at least 2 if not more towels.
Only a few days left now and I start my new cookbook cooking club! It was so much fun last time. I hope I can have that much fun this time. I really need to get a menu created and a shopping list made.
Lela is saying such large sentences now it's so much fun! Things like, Look, I found a sock!
I have also kept up with my daily walking. I am exhausted, but so glad I am exercising again. December 1st, I'm upping the time from 30 minutes a day to 40 minutes.
I will try to get back soon. It has been frigid here!

1 comment:
Hi Heather. I have to hang my head in shame. The pillowcase swap. I am working on it, I really am. You WILL get mine, it will take a while but rest assured, the swap is still on!
IF you still want to ofcourse! I can understand if you say: no thank you ma'am" No hard feelings either way. TOO much has happened lately and was just not up to doing it. But am slowly getting better, so.....
SO please let me know, oké??
Many hugs from Marian from the Netherlands
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