It's been busy, busy, busy again.
We went to Pennsylvania with my mother in law. We went to a outlet mall there, and both Lela and I was able to get new shoes. We wanted to get Vince some dress SAS shoes but they were too expensive this time, hopefully next time we can get him a pair.
While there we went to Bob Evans and had the Turkey Lurky our favorite! :) And we went to Golden Corral another family favorite. We also went to Chuck E Cheese there, but it wasn't a good one, all the games and rides Lela and I tried to do were broken and ate our tokens. Or already had a broken sign on them. So there was very very few workable games. Oh well, next week we will go back to a local Chuck E Cheese.
We also were able to get to Super Wal-mart and stock up on Lela's puffed brown rice! We were getting pretty bare on that.
I went to A.C. Moore while in Pennsylvania and was able to get some really good smelling pumpkin pie scented drawer packets. They were on sale really cheap. I bought them for less then 1.00 each. So my sister who LOVES pumpkin pie will get a bonus gift from me of some of those. Meanwhile, I smell pumpkin pie all the time in the house now and it smells soooooooo good! I also was able to get some Thread Heaven. I have never tried it before, but am anxious to give it a try. I've always used bees wax, but they don't sell that up here. So I'll see how the thread heaven works.
We also went to Harry and David's and they now have a ton of teas I must try! But, I didn't have the money to buy them now, maybe next time. I want to try the watermelon mint and cantaloupe really badly! Also the pomegranate blueberry and a chocolate pie one!
We were also able to go to Dollar General and get some cleaning supplies stocked up. I bought Ponds Cold Cream, and night Cream there. And have started using them. Except for washing my face with Cetaphil, I've never really had a routine with my face. But, I bought lipstick about 2 weeks ago and I apply it every day, and started feeling good about that. But, I also noticed my skin has been getting more and more dry, then I read about a lot of people like Ponds and they have good skin using it daily. I've heard that from Martha Stewart too. So decided I would start with that routine too. Well, I like it I must say! I will try to stick with it! The only thing is we don't have many wash cloths for some reason, so we are going to buy some more tomorrow. I've also started wearing my perfume I've had forever, but rarely wear. And again it's been feeling really nice to start pampering myself with little things like that.
I was surprised that even my mother in law, commented that she liked the shade of lipstick I was wearing. It took me about 2 hours to look through all the shades at Wal-mart one day and finally chose one. So it was nice to get a comment clear out of the blue, especially from some one who usually doesn't comment on things like that. Vince likes it too! So that was nice too. He's said things a few times about it. So it is nice that he has noticed as well.
We also got to go swimming which Lela really loved. I pool walked for about a hour. So I'm hoping that helps in some weight loss.
Right now I'm doing a 100 day challenge to walk or exercise every day for 100 days. So far so good. At the hotel I walked the hallways every morning, and walked in the pool in the evenings when I could.
I finished my sisters pillow cases, and am now on to my step grandmother's kitchen towels. They are coming along nicely and are really cute.
I bought some home made swiffer covers, and wash cloths from a sister and they also came while we were gone. I can't wait to start using them, they are very very cute!
I'll for sure try to get back here more often then I have lately!

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