It's a new year! And I am happy to be 46 pounds lighter then I was, January 1st 2004!!!!!!! WOW, I have came a long way. I have lost 81.5 total. And I have learned so much about myself in 2004. I did so much! I went to new places. I went to Beverly Hills, took classes with Richard Simmons, started talking to JoAnna Lund, and found I loved her recipes. With her recipes, and Richards healthy eating/exercise approach, not only will I lose the rest of my weight but keep it off! I also learned to like/love myself. To do this so I can live, not only be alive, but enjoy being alive. And I have went from a size 28, to a size 8! And that's been AMAZING!!!!!!! WOW! I never even thought about getting in a size 8. EVER! I am just very happy, and also at peace beginning 2005. I hope every one else has the same contentment, this year.
As for things I would like to do this year. I would definitely like to keep up with daily Bible reading better this year. Get in more hours in service. And just keep working on developing myself and who I am.

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