Had a good meeting today. We were a bit late though. GRRR Vince's mom wanted him to help her go buy a TV. I told him I thought it would make us late. So the TV is still in our truck, cause when he came home from the dolly to take it into their house, it was already past 11, and our meeting is at 12. And they live 30 minutes from us. So I insisted we go to meeting instead of keep on with a TV! So we were a tad late. But, we made it. Vince's dad agreed to help him take it in tonight after he gets off work.
But, the Watchtower was good. And even though I think I buy modest clothing, I may try to get a little more modest. One comment said we shouldn't wear jeans cause the kids in the pictures were all wearing Khaki's. But, I think that was to make them stand out. I don't see anything wrong with modest fitting jeans. And plus it's hard for me to find Khakis in my size. I see nothing wrong with wearing jeans when it is a casual time. As long as they aren't tight, extra baggy, wide, etc like the fads. And plus I don't have much else as far as casual wear goes for winter time to wear. I have a couple of Khakis but they are too small for me now. I have been eyeing some cords though. I always liked cords when they were in style when I was young. I never understood why they went out. I also always liked the cord jackets for men, with the leather elbow patches. That was always one of my favorite men's jackets. LOL I now see Wal-mart has the same kind of brown leather coat with the sheep skin like in the inside that I wore in kindergarten. I really wanted it, but it was like 60 dollars, and I didn't have the money even though it was reasonable.

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