Such a busy day! and I'm exhausted! Meeting, came home washed dishes, made lunch, defrosted food for tomorrow, reorganized garage, cleaned back patio, cleaned front porch, reorganized Lela's closet, Vince's closet, packed away coats that were too little for this year, had date with Vincent, shopping, cleaned dining room.... ARG. today was long! lol
Such a fun hot cocoa party that the congregation had for the children. Sooo many things they had. It was awesome. Each child was able to take home a mug for hot cocoa and their own stuffed teddy bear too. It was such a neat party!
Doing school with Belle, using Brain Quest cards. Supposed to ask her what the pictures are. A picture of a daddy mouse vacuuming the living room. Supposed to ask what machine is Daddy Mouse using?
Belle: A Horse!!
Can you guess what the vacuum is used as in our house? lol