Well fall is upon us, I put out all my fall decor. On time! lol Took down my spring/summer decor and stored it away. It's still hot here though, but hopefully it will cool down soon. At least we had a very very mild summer.
RJ and Belle "sharing" the skates. |
We are loving the stereo I bought too. And the new song the society added to the website has become this months school son, but big request from the children. It is so nice that they are giving the children so much personal attention. I can tell this will really help this generation of children make the truth their own, and develop a true love and knowledge of Jehovah and his will. My kids sure are loving it. And I am sure many more children are too. We even use it to help us learn other languages, by listening to and singing the songs in the other languages that are also posted on the site.
School is going awesome for Lela, Belle, and RJ. I love it. And I am pretty sure they do too. I really like a free calendar curriculum that I downloaded and printed for Lela. It's teaching her things really well that she would have in grade one any way, but in her curriculum from school it only goes over these things for a day or two. This way we do it every day and she's really learning it well. We also started in a daily Bible reading curriculum that's been a lot of fun. And I am developing my own virtues curriculum I hope to add in soon too. We have a field trip on Friday, Snow cones and painting in the park!
Uncle Doug, RJ, and I. |
A few weeks ago he asked for a book for people to sign who came and visited him and I gave him one. People are signing really nice things in it. Some taking up whole pages of notes to him. So that is really making him feel good.