I've been trying hard to get some clothing sewn up since I outgrew most my wardrobe! UHG! Any way, in the process, I tried a free Hot Patterns, pattern from Fabric.com . A lot of people complain about them being hard to understand or do, same as they do about Burda. Well, so far I haven't had any problems with Burda, and didn't have a lick of problems with the Hot Pattern pattern either. *shrugs* I think some of it may be a cultural understanding block, since HP and Burda both have European designers, I don't know. So far though the haven't been that "hard" for me and I'm pretty novice! I really liked the shirt too! Now I see another one I want to try for free too. But, the site also had all the Hot Patterns that they sell on sale! So I ended up buying all of them I wanted since it was such a deep discount. And a little fabric to make some linen pants in too! I can't wait to try them. I'm going to muslin them in gauze first though before cutting into the linen.

Jan at Needle Nook offered a "kids" class for making shrugs from T-shirts, so I enrolled Casey. It only cost 5 dollars, a t-shirt, thread and spool of ribbon. Jan provided jewels for decorating them. They were super easy and super cute too! I can't believe how hard Jan worked for only 5 dollars a girl! I wish my mom's truck was working, I think Casey would really have fun in Jan's sewing day camp. I for sure will be enrolling Lela when she is old enough. Casey did much better then I thought she would, I was very proud of her, and Jan is so patient with the girls and such a good teacher. It's really nice, and fun. Then I enrolled myself for a bra class next month. I can't wait! I need bras badly! And I want something pretty for once! Nothing pretty comes in a I cup. *sigh*
Tonight I'm taking Casey to a dinner that her little school club is having. Hoping that goes well.