Tonight I made my first home made frosting ever! I made a cream cheese frosting. It was pretty much made how I make cream cheese mints, but with butter as well, and less powdered sugar. I really really liked it! So much better then the canned stuff. Why would people eat canned stuff when home made taste so much better and really isn't hard at all to make!
Darla brought home some buckeyes last night from one of her nurses and they were soooooooo good. Now I have to be on the look out for a good buckeye recipe. But, in the meantime, I thought I would share one of my tried and true peanut butter cookie recipe.
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. They are a soft cookie and I have never been able to make the traditional peanut butter fork criss cross on them. But, they make a great thumb print cookie. Fill the thumb print with chocolate or peanut butter candies and they are even yummier! I've been making them for about 30 years like this, and yes it's true no flour at all!
Now I need to work on also making a home made strawberry cake. As I love strawberry cake, especially the Fish House in Queens NYC, made a awesome one, and their banana pudding was to die for. Mmm, I miss their free days! Their smothered chicken, and smothered pork chops were mmm mmm, as was their collard greens, and candied yams, I could go on and on! haha Hmmm, maybe smothered chicken should hurry and get on the menu for dinner! Yeah I think so. I'm out of collard greens so for sure need to add those to my shopping list this week as well. I tried to grow my own, but apparently the bugs really like them as well. do you keep the bugs from eating them all up? UHG!
We also made some pinecone crafts my sisters, and Lela, and Belle. Lela didn't want to stop. She loves arts and crafts. I have to do more with her. Maybe we will do some orange bird food next week. Will have to think about that. We also have some more pinecones left, should make those in to bird feeders for the birds as well. We have plenty of lard and peanut butter.
Speaking of lard, the store in Yodar got our 50 lb bag of haul less popcorn in. It's soooooo good and we are popcorn lovers. So I can't wait to get over there and pick it up. How does this coincide with lard? Lard makes the best popcorn ever! That's how. Mmm a little lard in the bottom of the popcorn popper and hand crank till it's toasty and a few even burnt. And it's the best stuff ever.
It snowed today and Lela and Loudine had lots of fun playing out in the snow and then getting in the hot tub. Silly girls!
And more good news Anne said she got my Jalie pattern in. I can't wait to make it. On Freecycle I got a nursing sweatshirt made by motherhood, in the exact same style. And Jalie just came out with the pattern this October. I really would of never tried the style had I not got it free on freecycle but now it's my favorite casual shirt. So I know I will make a lot of them. I'm hoping to get over there and use my 50 percent off coupon on it too. hehe. And maybe buy myself some discount gift cards for Needle Nook too.