It's been forever, since I have updated any one.
I am 18 weeks pregnant with our second baby! It's been a hard pregnancy though, as I there is a hematoma in there with the baby. There's been a lot of bleeding and a lot of medical problems. It took a lot of work, but I'm now at a high risk clinic getting the medical help I need.
I've been on pretty strict bedrest now for months. So I've gotten a lot of stitching done. I entered another pillow case swap and finished it. I got some really cute little pillow cases from that swap. I did a new Aunt Martha pattern for my part.
I'll be glad when the nausea and tiredness goes away though during this pregnancy. It's starting to get a little better. But, I've been in a lot of pain for the past two days.
Lela is getting to be such a big girl, it's hard to believe! I bought her a dress a couple of months ago that is so cute, I have her wear it a lot. It's light blue corduroy with white embroidered snow flakes. I found it at a new children's clothing store that is really really sweet. All nice, vintage and age appropriate clothing. She is so cute in them. :) They also sell clothes to match for American Girl Doll's. I think we'll get Lela one later this year.
Pre-K will start this fall for Lela. I am going to buy the curriculum soon. With the extra music package. I'm also going to check out the New World pre-k down the street and see how much it cost. It may help next year to keep her busy during the day while I'm taking care of the new born. But, we'll see. Sisters run it, and it's all sisters teaching it. Vince's cousins all went there, till the third grade. I'll see what I think of it, after we visit, and see what the enrollment fees are.
Vince took Lela to a train show on Saturday and she loved it. I sat the whole time. What was great is we found a new place to shop, they had Super Wal-marts and Aldi's and lots of places to eat. Where we go in Pennsylvania there is no places to eat, and takes longer to get there and home. So I'm pretty happy we found a new place to grocery shop. We ate at Denny's there, it was good, and I was soooooo full, I had to bring a lot home.
As I always say, I'll try to do better at keeping the blog updated.