Divabetics have so much coming up. Saturday I will be going to some classes they are offering. It sounds like it will be a lot of fun. If any of you who read my blog are diabetic and in NY, Saturday is going to be a free open house for diabetic courses. Here's the info.
Bee A D.I.V.A.
Diabetes Coaching Classes Open House:
Saturday, September 24th, 2:30 - 4 pm
2:30-3 PM : ‘Pass The Tiara’ Meet & Greet plus Registration
3-4 PM: ‘From Stressed to Success!’ Goal Setting Session
4 FIERCE & FABULOUS Training Weeks!
October 9th: (BEE ) DISCIPLINED Make-Up for a Cure
October 16th: (BEE) INFORMED Models & Methods
October 23rd: (BEE) VISIBLE Denial’s Not My Style
October 30th: (BEE) ACTIVE Keep Your Song Strong!
all sessions presented from 2 -4pm
$25 per class or 4 WEEK SERIES for $80 Save $20
All sessions include goal setting and attainment exercises, diva online support, lifestyle modifers, diva ball raffle, counseling and peer feedback, self-esteem enhancers, and performance therapy to help you 'bee' creative about your blood sugar control!
featuring: Exercise & Life Coach, Dana Hariton HIP TO BE YOU’ director Amy Jordan and the DIVABETIC Creative Control Patrol
At McBurney YMCA at 125 West 14th Street between 6th & 7th Ave. in New York City for info contact us: www.comments@divabetic.com . No credit cards.