It's been a while since I posted but, I am back. I went on vacation, to Branson, Mo. It was a good vacation, all in all. Some crazy things happened. But, the good things, were really good. I got a really nice quilt that I will share a picture of later. I also bought some cozies for my 8x8 dish, and my 9x12 dish. I will use it a lot, in the coming weeks, with block parties, and congregation picnics coming up! I walked, and walked, and walked some more. I also enjoyed a lot of treats-home made chocolate covered strawberries, candies, and fudge! However, I did make most of our meals. In fact, the whole week before we left, I was cooking and freezing for the trip. I returned home with a 2 pound weight loss! So I was very happy with that. I will try to share pictures of our trip soon.
I also bought the hat I am wearing in the picture below, while on my vacation, I really love it! I bought it from one of my favorite shops in Branson, called Mulberry Mill. The owner, Chad, is so nice, and helpful. And I love what he sells in his shop. And a picture of the casserole cozy basket I bought at Silver Dollar City.
Last Saturday, I went to Apollo's Theater's Health Fair, in Harlem, NYC.
I was there with the Divabetics, helping get people to sign a petition that will be taken to Mc Donald's, Taco Bell, Wendy's and other Fast food chains, to plead with them, to put nutritional facts for diabetics, directly on their menus.
While I was there, I won the grand prize at the health fair..... a 225.00 hat from Harlem's Heaven Boutique. I really didn't think I would win it. First of all, it wasn't supposed to be up on the block to win, for another hour. But, I had to leave to get dinner. And I had been saying how lovely the hat was. And I really wanted it. I was wearing my own hat that day too! So I said, oh well let me draw, and I will shoot for a tee shirt. (you were to put your hand in a bag, and pull out a ball, and if the ball said divabetic on it, you won. If the ball was blank you lost.) Max, the founder of Divabetic, stopped me and said WAIT! Ok, Heather is playing for.... and held up the hat, and did the whole intro for the hat-think Price is right, or Wheel of Fortune! lol Then they did a big count down, shook up the bag, I put my hand in and low and behold I WON! And no it wasn't set up! I was so shocked I won. I didn't even think I could get the right ball any way, many that day lost just trying for the tee shirts! Any way..... here's a couple of pics from the day.....
And here's the article about me on the Divabetic website......
Grand Prize winner Heather & the AVON Makeover Team
originally uploaded by divabetic. DIVABETIC Hall of Famer Heather walked off with the grand prize at our Apollo Theater Health Fair Raffle Extravaganza and we couldn't be happier!
Heather looking radiant in pink spent the better part of the day with her charming husband getting people to sign our SUGAR SAVVY petition in 90 degree heat! DIVABETIC's commitment to diabetes outreach and education, SUGAR SAVVY, continues to build steam our list of supporters grows to over 600 people!
As our GRAND PRIZE winner, Heather, also enjoyed an all star GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS makeover provided by the friendly happy faces of the AVON beauty team. AVON joined DIVABETIC at the Apollo Health Fair to help promote our 'GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS' message and inspire you to look gorgeous and feel great.
Sadly yesterday Luther Vandross died. I really hope this will help get diabetic awareness even more in the spot light! It is so misunderstood, and so needed!